Hello Reading Friends!

I have a confession to make – it’s not only books I love, but magazines too. So it was a fantastic surprise when this month’s copy of Writers’ Forum plopped on my doormat. Why? Not just because it was the first writing magazine I subscribed to, full of practical advice and inspirational articles, it was because several months ago I received a sad email explaining that due to the drop in supermarket sales Writers’ Forum must pause production.

And this wasn’t the only magazine I enjoyed that has been adversely affected by the ongoing pandemic. No1 magazine, Scotland’s glossy – think Hello set in Scotland, shining a spotlight on successful Scottish women, as well as promoting boutique hotels and luxury spa retreats (I love to dream) – announced it must close.


Unless you are a subscriber, then magazine purchases tend to be an impulse buy… a little treat for finishing the weekly shop. Or when heading to work, we might grab one to read over lunch.


However, over the past months our habits have changed. Wearing a mask and keeping socially distant means we are less likely to dally in the supermarket. Instead, we de-bug our trolley… get what we need… and leave.

Also, many are still working from home. Here in Scotland, at the time of writing, this is still the norm – meaning we cobble together something from the fridge, rather than heading out to buy lunch.


Well apart from the obvious, providing employment for journalists and columnists, many novelists enjoy their first taste of publication success by submitting short stories to the magazine market – for Prima, People’s Friend, Woman, the Yours Fiction special etc. Some writers simply prefer to create short fiction and continue to make their income from this source.

But it’s not just the direct impact of loss of income that affects writers when a magazine folds. Many women’s magazines contain weekly, monthly and seasonal book reviews. Some, like Goodhousekeeping, Woman and Home, and Yours Fiction run online book groups via Facebook, where readers meet and discuss their favourite reads. Whilst Platinum has introduced a book club with author Adele Parks at the helm.

As broadsheets reduce column space for book reviews, magazines are a vital way in a busy marketplace to help create a buzz around books. No1 Magazine recently introduced a book review section; what a shame that its final issue will be published on 17th September and another space for authors and publishers will disappear.

And it’s not just women’s magazines that support authors. Here is Scotland The Scots Magazine and Scottish Field do great work spotlighting writers too. And let’s not forget the inspiration a writer discovers when reading the personal stories, travel pieces, health columns etcetera. The benefits of magazines to authors and the bookish community go on and on.

So, let’s give a shout out to our favourite magazines in the comments below, showing them some love💗 and doing our little bit to help them survive.

Until next time, happy reading!

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  1. Great post, Rae – I’ve always loved magazines (too much perhaps!) and still buy them. I also have a subscription to WF and Writing Magazine – the latter kept publishing every month. I love the new Platinum mag and I’ve had short stories published in most of the women’s magazines at some point. Two more have already been accepted at the PF and are awaiting publication. So I agree with you absolutely!

  2. Thanks, Rae. I do love a magazine and think a subscription is a fabulous gift – a gift that keeps on giving! There is something so exciting when one lands on the doormat or, as you say, you pick one up at the shops knowing you’re going home with a treat. We have had the Landscape magazine gifted to us for many years and I absolutely love the mix of nature writing, articles on gardens, crafts, cookery and so on. My Mum always had the Woman’s Weekly and we all grew up reading that. I find the Writing magazine is an inspiration and helps with motivation and I love a good glance at a glossy!

    • Hello Sareen, thanks for sharing your favourites. I must look out for Landscape magazine. You are SO right – a magazine subscription is a wonderful gift. Perhaps I should start dropping little hints as Christmas approaches! : )

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Hush, Hush, the Storm has Swept Through

Dylan was born in a rush, seven weeks early, jaundiced, brought on by shock. Mum held my hand as his nostrils flared with each breath. Doctor Esson says there’s nothing to worry about. Dylan’s fine now.

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